Wiki checkrein ligaments


Winter Springs, FL
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I need help please. The doctro states 26525, but I am thinking 26123 and 26593.
The report reads:
Used a modified Bruner incision over the palmar aspect of the left ring finger & dissected down throught the subcutaneous tissue where I identified significant thickening of the tissues, consistent with Dupuytren's disease. I identified the developing cords right at the level of Skoog's fibers and the neurovascular bundles to make sure that these were kept visually in the field. I then followed these distally and released the skin flaps to allow me to maintain good visualization of the digital nerve and vessel on both the radial and ulnar side of the flexor sheath along the ridge of the proximal phalanx were I maintained a visualization of the neurovascular bundles and then separated the flexor tendon from the sheath, next, I removed the Checkrein ligaments on both the radial and ulnar side. I next identified that there was severe thickening of the flexor sheath and as I very gently extended the finger,I was able to do a very controlled release of the flexor sheath
to allow it to go into full extension. I then identified retrovascular cords on both the radial and ulnar side of the digit, and I was able to remove these. I checked to ensure that there was full extension of the PIP joint and that the neurovascular bundles were visualized
through their course. ( the rest is closing ) Please, your advice and direction would be
greatly appreciated. Am I incorrect ?