Wiki Chiropractic


Austin, TX
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Is there a way to bill adjustment codes ( 98941, 98942, 98942, 97012, etc) with Manual Therapy Codes ( 97140) or Massage therapy and get them covered in the same date of service?
They only way you can bill for both is if they are done on different body areas; then you could add a 59 or XS modifier to the therapy codes.
98941 and 98942 cannot be billed together based on my reading. These are both billed by region (not level). There are only 5 levels - cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, pelvic. 98941 is if you did 3-4 OR you did all 5 and it is 98942. I think the error is that each level you are considering billing but all cervical levels manipulating still only count as ONE region (cervical), etc.