Wiki chordee repair


Dover, Pennsylvania
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I need some help. Is there enough documentation to support CPT 54300? Thanks.
This is a 3-year-old white male who was previously circumcised. He has developed scar tissue on the left side of the penis causing lateral chordee. He also has abnormal urinary stream because he has pinpoint meatal opening with a thick ventral web.
Under satisfactory general anesthesia, he was placed in the supine position, prepared and draped in the usual manner. A dorsal penile block and ring block was performed using a mixture of 1% Xylocaine and 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine, using a total of 10 ml. A hemostat was then applied underneath the scar tissue. This was then divided using hot wire cautery. This was accomplished on the entire left side of the penis. The lateral chordee was then corrected in the process. The scar tissue on the proximal foreskin was then excised nad repair was then accomplished with interrupted 5-0 chromic suture. The raw surface on the glans penis was left alone. Meatoplasty was then accomplished by dividing the thick ventral web with hot wire cautery, creating a new meatus measuring 5 mm. Repair was then accomplished with interrupted 5‑0 chromic, approximating the penile skin and the urethral mucosa. A transparent dressing was then applied and the procedure was terminated. Bacitracin ointment