Wiki Chronic Leukopenia

Daytona Beach, Florida
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While coding in the field I use 3M Coding and Reimbursement System, I typed in Leukopenia the system then prompted with questions about the leukopenia and one option was Chronic/Malignant so I chose this as the assessment stated Chronic Leukopenia which lead me to dx code 288.09. Upon returning to my office I pull out my coding book and can not find a way to get to the dx code 288.09 the book leads me to dx code 288.50! Would anyone have an explanation for this, in other words I cannot find "Chronic" when referring to leukopenia? Thank you
Chronic leukopenia


As per your note malignant leukopenia is directly leading code 288.09. You can't take 288.50, because this is unspecifed type of leukopenia. Because most of the time it can occur due to acute condtions (fever, infection).

If your documentation is nothing stated about chronic/malignant leukopenia and the system only showing 288.09 code, you can take 288.50 unspecified code as per documentation.

Chronic leukopenia/neutropenia

A recurrent problematic illness that results in a low white blood cell (WBC) count is known as chronic leukopenia. Neutrophils usually make up 50-70% of circulating white blood cells and serve as the primary defense against infection. Because of this particular reason chronic leukopenia is interchangeably called chronic neutropenia.

288.09 is other specific type of neutropenia (sub type of leukopenia). Neutropenia is more specific than other types of leukopenia ( Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils and Basophils.'). Malignancy refers "the tendency of a medical condition to become progressively worse".


Oneway you can find 288.09 is leukopenia, maligant OR you have to consider chronic leukopenia is chronic neutropenia as mentioned in above explanation.

Hope this is helping you littlebit..........


Dhanesh M
The reference in the code book to 288.50 is correct for documentation of leukopenia. 288.09 is neutropenia, I go with the code book reference