Wiki CIRCC Study Guides - Z Health Vs MedLearn


York, PA
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Good Morning IR crew!

I am starting the journey to obtain my CIRCC certification. I'd like to know your opinion on the study guides for this cert. I've attended a Z Health conference for IR and am familiar with Dr. Z's material. While searching for study guides I saw that Medlearn has their own guide too. Is one better than the other? Or, are they pretty similar?

Thank you for any insight you may be able to provide.
M also preparing for CIRCC.


I am also preparing for CIRCC, but no classes available in India so I am doing self study by CIRCC study book by ZHealth.

However classes and seminars are always better than any study guide book. I took the same for CPC and I secured the certificate.

If anybody has any material or source of material, then please suggest.

My mail ID is -

Thank you,
I did self study on taking the CIRCC examination last year. I just used the CIRCC study guide + CIRCC practice exam. It was very helpful, the study guide has questionaires at the end othe page. I just took the practice test several times. I got a pretty good score on this specialty. Good luck guys!

CIRCC study guide

I was very disappointed in the Dr. Z's study guide. It lists the codes and their descriptions for most of the book and I was hoping for more instruction. I code IR and in real life cases we don't add modifier 59 on as many things as in the practice exam or real exam because Medicare considers codes bundled. Does anyone have any other study tips? What did you think of Medlearn?
I was very disappointed in the Dr. Z's study guide. It lists the codes and their descriptions for most of the book and I was hoping for more instruction. I code IR and in real life cases we don't add modifier 59 on as many things as in the practice exam or real exam because Medicare considers codes bundled. Does anyone have any other study tips? What did you think of Medlearn?

Medlearn is more for the physicians, but it is helpful. I am a Interventional Radiology Technologist who also codes for IR, Cath Lab and EP. You should be using modifier -59 or the X-modifiers, so you can be paid for the diagnostic procedures and the interventions also. I use modifier -59 whether it's Medicare/ Medicaid or not.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC, R.T. (CV)