Wiki claviculectomy


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I am trying to find documentation that will either confirm or deny that a minimum of 8 to 10mm of bone must be documented to correctly bill for codes 29824 or 23120. All of my coding resources state that these amounts must be documented to bill these codes, however I am being met with some opposition. Does anyone know the answer? Does anyone know where I can find documentation to support either position?
I am trying to find documentation that will either confirm or deny that a minimum of 8 to 10mm of bone must be documented to correctly bill for codes 29824 or 23120. All of my coding resources state that these amounts must be documented to bill these codes, however I am being met with some opposition. Does anyone know the answer? Does anyone know where I can find documentation to support either position?

AAOS removed their reference to size in their CodeX in 2010. They are the ones that said 8-10mm of bone must be removed to qualify for 29824, but as of 2011 CodeX that is no longer in their description for this procedure. are correct it used to be that way...and it's still a general good rule of thumb to go by, but no longer can be used by insurances to deny the procedure if less than 8mm is removed.

One more thing, do you know how I can obtain documentation from the AAOS to support the code description change that you are talking about. Every on line search I do gives me the same code description that I already have stating 8 to 10 mm must be documented.