Wiki Closure of gastrostomy Laparoscopic

Whitley City, KY
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I work for a General Surgeon who performed a closure of gastrostomy laparoscopic. I know the CPT code for Open is 43870..... but is am stumped when it comes to being done laparoscopic. I was going to go with code 43659 but I am unsure. Please if anyone can help please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advanced.
I work for a General Surgeon who performed a closure of gastrostomy laparoscopic. I know the CPT code for Open is 43870..... but is am stumped when it comes to being done laparoscopic. I was going to go with code 43659 but I am unsure. Please if anyone can help please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advanced.

We use the 43659 for the lap closure