Wiki CMS Hospital Based Outpatient Prospective Payment APC List


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I am trying to locate a list called "CMS Hospital Based Outpatient Prospective Payment APC List. I have looked all over the CMS website for such a list even sent CMS an email still waiting for a response.
I am the Recovery Audit Contract Coordinator for a Acute Hosptial. I have received a potential denial letter. In this letter Humana is asking that we refere to the "CMS Hospital Based Outpatient Prospective Payment APC List. Can anyone help me find this list I would really appreciate it.
I am trying to locate a list called "CMS Hospital Based Outpatient Prospective Payment APC List. I have looked all over the CMS website for such a list even sent CMS an email still waiting for a response.
I am the Recovery Audit Contract Coordinator for a Acute Hosptial. I have received a potential denial letter. In this letter Humana is asking that we refere to the "CMS Hospital Based Outpatient Prospective Payment APC List. Can anyone help me find this list I would really appreciate it.

I never heard about Hospital based OPPS. its just an OPPS. here is the link to Addendum B