Wiki COBGC exam

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Hi, I am CPC certified from more than 6 years and working as a coder. I am preparing right now for COBGC certification. I bought COBGC study guide and practice exam from AAPC. I do not have experience coding in OB-GYN yet. Does this study guide and practice exam would be enough to schedule a test? Just thought to ask you that to give test for COBGC certification do we need experience in coding for ob-gyn for few years? How hard is the exam?
I would appreciate any help from you to decide if i should set up an exam date or wait?
I had more than 20 years of OB/Gyn coding experience when I took the exam and I found that it was difficult, as all of the specialty exams are. I'm not sure I would have passed if I didn't have the coding experience; the hands-on coding knowledge I had definitely helped. I'd suggest you wait until you have some experience. I'm curious as to why you're going to take a specialty exam.
Thank you for sharing you idea. I just wanted to get in to OBGYN coding was thinking if I have Specialty exam certificate than it would be easy.
Hi, I am CPC certified from more than 6 years and working as a coder. I am preparing right now for COBGC certification. I bought COBGC study guide and practice exam from AAPC. I do not have experience coding in OB-GYN yet. Does this study guide and practice exam would be enough to schedule a test? Just thought to ask you that to give test for COBGC certification do we need experience in coding for ob-gyn for few years? How hard is the exam?
I would appreciate any help from you to decide if i should set up an exam date or wait?
As one of the developers of this exam, I can tell you it was designed to be a Master's level test. So if you have not had any ob/gyn experience you would find it very difficult. I would start by reviewing publications from ACOG so you can become familiar with the subject in general, and then comb over all of the codes in CPT digging into what they mean exactly. The ACOG coding resources are also helpful. If you can code for about a year in ob/gyn you may be able to pass the test, especially if an experienced ob/gyn coder mentors you.