Wiki Code 97012

Erie, PA
Best answers
Has anyone had problems with billing 97012? We were informed that this may be denied in the future by some insurance companies- a practice was asked for reimbursement of past payment a year later!!!! . We typically bill 98941, 97012 and 97014 together when a patient is receiving manipulation, intersegmental traction and e-stim. Would this still be appropriate? Thanks!!!! :eek::eek:
97012 not for spinolator

Check with the specific payer to see if 97012 excludes the "spinolator" or "roller table". It may be that they consider it only appropriate when there is a diagnosis that implies some sort of compression and the provider is able to document the angle and force applied.

Evan M. Gwilliam, DC CPC CPC-I CCPC CPMA