Wiki Code choice for mesothelioma


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When chosing a diagnosis for biphasic mesothelioma that is in the chest wall, would you just use c45.9, biphasic, or go on down the page to site selection and choose the NEC code C45.7 because you know the site?
It is more specific than C45.9. When you look them up in the tabular, there is no mention of biphasic.
What is Biphasic Mesothelioma? Biphasic tumors are those made up of both epithelioid and sarcomatoid cells. Tumors with a higher epithelioid cell ratio typically grow faster, but do not spread as fast. Biphasic tumors that have a higher sarcomatoid cell ratio spread through the body faster.

However with that in mind the codes for mesothelioma appear to be classified by site, therefore I would use the more specific code of C45.7 since you know the site.

I appreciate the feedback. I seems like the codebook index could have had a better breakdown under the biphasic heading, with body sites listed there as well.
Physican was inquiring about best code choice. using the more specific code seems best.