Wiki code suggestions?


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Patient is comming into the hospital for an exploration of an old c-section wound and excision of a lump from the abdominal wall. The insurance wants the codes for authorization. Any suggestions?
To eferris

Take a look at these codes with your physician. One of them may work for the prior authorization depending on the size, etc.
22900 - Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subfascial (eg, intramuscular); less than 5 cm Active
22901 - Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subfascial (eg, intramuscular); 5 cm or greater Active
22902 - Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subcutaneous; less than 3 cm Active
22903 - Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subcutaneous; 3 cm or greater