Wiki Coding 90801 and 96101


Leander, TX
Best answers
I have a question regarding billing of diagnostic interviews. It states that it includes laboratory and other medical studies and their interpretations. Can a provider bill for the 90801 and then bill for the psychological testing 96101 on the same date of service? Can a provider bill separately from the 90801 for the interpretation of the psych testing if performed by a tech or another provider? Is scoring a part of the 90801 or is it billed separately. If so, what code do they use.


Yes, you can bill a 90801 and a testing code i.e 96101 or maybe 96102 or 96103 together. The time spent in interpreting and documenting test results is included in the testing code. I cant tell you a specific code because I dont have enough info to give a recommendation
So are you saying that if a tech performs the psych testing and a psychiatrist comes in and does the diagnostic interview, then that interpretation of the results (scoring) is NOT included in code 90801?


Our provider performs the 90801, then pt sees tech for 96101 (under supervision) and the provider bills for all testing, interpretation, and report writing (included in 96101).

If a technicial is giving the tests, you should maybe look at using a 96102 which is for a tech. 96101 is for the dr, not the tech