Wiki Coding a Micro suspension direct laryngoscopy

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I am having trouble finding the right code for this procedure. Micro Suspension direct larynghoscopy with CO2 laser division of proximal tracheal stenosis followed by balloon tracheal dilation. Here is the procedural note:

An anterior commissure laryngoscope was placed and suspended visualizing the larynx. The endotracheal tube was removed and the patient was ventilated using jet ventilation, keeping the FiO2 below 30%. Using the CO2 laser with a handpiece at a setting of 6 watts, the proximal tracheal stenotic segment was visualized using a Hopkins rod scope and using the laser, the vision was made in the stenotic segment along the left lateral aspect and a second cut was made anteriorly. Bleeding was minimal. A 12 mm tracheal balloon was then passed under direct visualization and inflated for approximately 1-2 minutes until the patient started desaturating. The balloon was then deflated and removed. The patient was again oxygenated and a second dilation was performed using a 14 mm balloon. Good dilation was felt to be achieved. Kenalog was injected into the CO2 laser sites.