Wiki Coding for 90960


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When billing for a 90960 the patient must receive 4 visits. Can anyone tell me how often the visits can be done. Is it possible for the NP or physician to see the patient more than once per week or is it limited to once per week for the 4 week period?
The code is for 4+ visits so you could see the patient daily and still use 90960 once a month. Its just a minimum of 4 or you need to use a lesser code. Of course the frequency needs to be medically necessary if they only need 3 fact to face you cant just randomly add one to increase the reimbursement.
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Now this is where the confusion for me comes in to play, I was previously told that you could only see the patient once per week not multiple times in one week unless it was a comprehensive visit and then the basic but if it is the 3 basic visits they needed to only be one time per week. Have you heard that ruling for this code before?