Wiki Coding for a nutritionist - My office has a nutritionist that does diabetic

Kingsport, TN
Best answers
My office has a nutritionist that does diabetic f/u, teaching nutrition, and diabetic health. They are credetialing her so she can bill her own charges. Have any of you ever coded this and been paid? Thanks, :)
I do that for the nutritionist where I work, in a hospital. Use either V6549 for
diabetic ed, with the diabetic code first, or V6533 for other nutritional education. It has not been a problem for us.
what CPT code do you use for this? we also have a nutritionist that does education for our patients but we don't know how to code this. would we code 99214?

help please!!

Nickie, CPC
After researching all day on CMS and talking with some other coders, I found out that if you had a Certificate of Recognition from the ADA with an approved program set up and coded G0108 and G0109 Medicare will reimburse along with most insurance companies. Publication 100-04, Chapter 18, Section 120 and Publication 100-02, Chapter 15, Section 300 backs this up. Thanks to everyone for their information, Cathy:)
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I work for a Clinic with 3 nutritionists. Medicare billing for diabetes can be used with G0108,G0109,97803,97804,G0270,and G0271. I use an Excel chart to keep track of visits with date,cpt, and the time used for each session for each patient to ensure that we don't bill over the hours that Medicare require.
The other insurances usually pay for G0108 and G0109 without too much problem.
would these codes hold true for a bariatrician? We are a group that does bariatric surgery and are thinkng of hiring a bariatrician and I don't know how we will be able to code these for office visits.