Wiki Coding help


Sioux City, IA
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Is IVUS billable during AAA endovascular repair when used within the endoprosthesis zone while placing the device? I have gone over the guidelines in CPT and it states "other interventional procedures performed at the time of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair should be additionally reported (eg renal transluminal angioplasty, arterial embolization, intravascular ultrasound, balloon angioplasty or stenting of native artery(s) outside of the endoprosthesis target zone, when done before or after stent deployment" I feel with this statement that the IVUS should be billable, but there is some confusion on this and I have been told that this is not separately billable because of the statement "outside the endoprosthesis target zone. It is my understanding that is only referring to any angioplasty or stenting?

Can anyone please provide feedback and perhaps a reference that states this? I do have this information from Dr. Z that states "Do code for intravascular ultrasound performed at the time of endovascular aneurysm repair (before or after deployment of the stent graft) as well....but it is not a reference that is a cited resource that I would be able to use to support billing of the IVUS in addition to the EVAR codes, so I need something more concrete.
Thank you!
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I don't have a reference for you besides the CPT and Zhealth but can tell by the common placements that the "outside the endoprothesis target zone" is referring to balloon angioplasty and stent not the IVUS. I do code for the IVUS.

Other interventional procedures performed at the time of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair should be additionally reported
(eg, renal transluminal angioplasty, arterial embolization, intravascular ultrasound, balloon angioplasty or stenting of native artery outside the endoprosthesis target zone, when done before or after deployment of graft).

There is no CCI edits.
CCI Validation Results:
no validation issues
34802 validated against 37250
There are no bundling issues for this code.

Where as if you entered CPT angioplast/aortic; CCI will flag for 35452 is a component of column 1 code 34802

HTH, Misty Sebert CPC, CCC, CCVTC