Wiki coding lesions


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I need help with coding lesions.

When Dr. indicates that he DEBRIDED lesion what CPT code I should use????

Please help!!!!!!!!

Thank you
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I am coding for podiatry and DR. is documenting as following:

hyperkeratotic lesion on the toe or ankle or anywher on the foot 0.5x0.5x1.0 it is painful and enlarged.

Then he says he debride that lesion. I am not sure what CPT code to use for debridement????
Thank you very much for your reply I appreciate it.

One more question is there any way you can provide me a resource that can support that??? anywhere that says to use 11055 for debridement of lesions.
I agree with you that is the right code, but I need resource,. I tried searching, but I could not find aything specific..

thank you and have a great day