What's the ICD-10-CM guideline for coding normal/expected side effects of drugs (e.g. nausea and vomiting)?
From a coding perspective, there isn't a difference between the two. If the side effect, or adverse effect, of a drug is a reportable diagnosis (i.e. is documented as a condition for which the patient seeks treatment or which requires evaluation or affects a provider's treatment of the patient at the encounter), then it would be reported the same way. Whether it is more or less severe, or if it is 'normal' or expected or unexpected, it is still reported as an adverse effect if it meets the criteria for reporting.Thank you. I guess I should have worded my question differently.....are the same codes used for 'side effects' (less severe, normal and possibly expected) and 'adverse effects' (more severe, possibly life threatening)? T36-T50?