Wiki Coding Question


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I recently took the 2008 CPC coding exam and want to receive clairification. If a patient is referred to see a specialist by their doctor and a referal is written out. Does the specialist who see's the patient need to write a consultation back to the referring physician in order to code this as a referring consultation? If no referall is generated back to the referring physi cian how should this be coded?

Consultations: 3 R's
Request (by requesting/referring physician)
Rendering Service (by physician consultant)
Report (from physician consultant to requesting physician)

The request, consultant's opinion and any services
that were ordered or performed must all be documented
in the patients medical record.

I hope this helps,

Thank you,
No report = new patient

If no report is sent to the requesting physician then you have either a new patient visit (if the patient hasn't been seen in your practice and your specialty within the last 3 years) or an established patient visit.

A consultation requires:
REQUEST for consultation
REASON for consult
RENDER service
REPORT back to requesting physician

NOTE: A referral is not the same thing as a request for consultation. A referral is typically an insurance requirement for a patient to be seen by a specialist.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CPC-E/M
I totally agree with FTessaBartels. The term referral should not be used when requesting a consultation. Also, follow the the consultatioin guidelines as noted by both previious posts.