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I am looking for Cardiology coding training. I know about Z Health but if you have never coded anything in Cardiology where can you go for the basic abc training. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for Cardiology coding training. I know about Z Health but if you have never coded anything in Cardiology where can you go for the basic abc training. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The best kind of training is on the job. To have someone explain and show you the procedures. You should start with the basic left heart cath first , then left and right heart cath procedures. One of the best ways to learn is "google". Ok so I just did that and look what I found. This is pretty good for a start.
After reading your post I remember being new to Cardiology Coding. You are correct ZHealth is a great resource especially for vascular coding, I gained a great deal of info from Jim Collins..The website address http://www.cardiologycoder.com/ . How long have you been coding ? Hope this helps..