Wiki colonoscopy thru colostomy then anus


Northeast Kansas AAPC
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Not sure about this one.

Colonoscopye was instered through his colostomy and advanced to the cecum as identified by anatomic landmarks and right upper quadrant palpation. Visualization of the colon showed no evidence of any mucosal pathology such as polyps or any significant diverticulosis or masses. Upon completion of this, the patient was then placed in the left lateral decubitus positon. .The colonoscope was inserted through the anus. The scope ws then advanced under direct visualization from the rectum to the stapled end near the rectosigmoid junction at approximately 20 cm. There was no evidence of any mucosal pathology in this small area of the colon and the scope was withdrawn into the rectum and retroflexed upon itself. The patient had some grade II internal hemorrhoids but no evidence of any other mucosal pathology. The scope was then straigntened out and removed out of the patient. He appeared to tolerate the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.

Patient was status post colostomy for perforated diverticulitis.

Thanks for any input!!