Wiki Comminuted Fracture


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
Anyone know this code ? Patient had a manipulative reduction and external fixation of right distal radius/, , --
After the fraccture had been manipulated and fingers had been placed in finger traps the flluro visulazation revealed satsfactory reduction of fracture fragments
A steinman pin was drilled throug bases of index and middle finger metacarpals exiting out from the beginning near the radial site exiting out the ulnar sise near the dorsum of hand. A 2nd pin was also drilled from dorsal to palmar dital radial shaft under fluro controlafter seating both pins, The fracture was manipulated. A short arm cast was appliedi ncorpating the previously placed steinman pins. Pins were then cut and pins balls applied, THE patient maintained good circulatin of fingers. FLURO at this point revealedgood positionof pinsand good reductionof fracture. i
should i use 25606 the booking was 20650 , which I DONT THINK IT IS
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