Wiki Complex Chronic Care Mgt. and Transitional Care Mgt. Codes

Pam Warren

True Blue
Rye, NH
Best answers
Hi, is anyone planning to roll out the implementation of the new 2013 codes for Complex Chronic Care Management and Transitional Care Management? We already have a work team assembled to put together an interim form and later an EHR template (NextGen) to capture the criteria and documentation necessary to bill these codes. I understand that CMS is looking at assigning a G code for the Transitional Care Managment (without a face-to-face requirement), but haven't heard if they will assign G codes to any of the other services--although the American Geriatric Association did write an awesome letter to Marilyn Tavener, encouraging CMS to support this service to keep admissions and re-admissions to a minimum.

I'd be interested to talk to anyone who is planning to roll this out in January and to see if we can work together to keep our eyes open for CMS's decisions regarding these new codes.
Hi, is anyone planning to roll out the implementation of the new 2013 codes for Complex Chronic Care Management and Transitional Care Management? We already have a work team assembled to put together an interim form and later an EHR template (NextGen) to capture the criteria and documentation necessary to bill these codes. I understand that CMS is looking at assigning a G code for the Transitional Care Managment (without a face-to-face requirement), but haven't heard if they will assign G codes to any of the other services--although the American Geriatric Association did write an awesome letter to Marilyn Tavener, encouraging CMS to support this service to keep admissions and re-admissions to a minimum.

I'd be interested to talk to anyone who is planning to roll this out in January and to see if we can work together to keep our eyes open for CMS's decisions regarding these new codes.

have you developed a template/form yet? have you heard of anyone getting paid by medicare for these tcm codes?