Wiki Compliance education


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I am a certified coder and have 13 years experience in the medical setting. I am needing some suggestions on compliance issues. I am needing to educate myself on some things that aren't always spelled out in HIPAA, etc. For example, can someone lead me in the direction to go to find answeres to some of the following questions: 1)When can you cancel a patient's appointment if they are under care. (Drug seekers for instance). 2) If you have a signed court document, signed by a judge but not medical release from the patient, can you release medical records. I would like to be able to know this information but not sure where to start as far as education. The "certified compliance" courses that I have looked at don't seem to address the more detailed information that I am needing to know to take over our compliance department. Do I need to look at getting a bachelors in ??? (health care laws, business management??) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend to look through the CodingEdge and Edgeblast articles. I am not sure when and where I read this but there was an article on separating from difficult patients. As for your second question, I was trained that when you receive a subpoena to release records you must comply with the order, but please check with your local legal advisor how this should be handled. Do you work for or are affiliated with an entity who has a legal advising department/office? It may be helpful to establish contacts and check if they can advise you.
Sorry this is not much, but hopefully helps find the right track.