Wiki Confirmation of Pregnancy


Dallas, GA
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If the patient has an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and how far along they are and the doctor goes over the ultrasound report and talks to the patient over the "do and don'ts" during their pregnancy, can you charge an E/M visit and use Z32.01 for the diagnosis code? Or does the US initiate he OB record ?
I am still fairly new, but I would guess that who is preforming the ultrasound answers the question. If an OB doc doing the ultrasound, it is bundled.

If her primary care (not sure why they would, but just in case) or some other setting (ER etc) does it, then it could be an ER code or an E/M.
From my understanding and billing these Confirmation of Pregnancy visits is: As long as the OB chart is not opened you can bill the pregnancy confirmation E&M visit with Z32.01 dx code. If the provider wants an Ultrasound the same day that's fine. I use the 026.841 dx code for the Ultrasound or whatever dx the provider gives for doing this. The patient after this visit is scheduled for the start of her OB care. If you confirm the pregnancy at the confirmation visit an OB chart should not have been created yet.
Example: 992XX -25 Z32.01
76801 - O26.841 & Z3A.XX