Wiki Consult denial


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Our specialty doctor saw a patient in consult on 7/2/16 whom was admitted on 7/1/16 (we were not the admitting dr). The patient ended up being D/C (not by our service) on 7/2/16.

The same patient came back to the hospital again on 7/3/16 with the same problem and was admitted again (not by our service). She was seen again by our service in consult on 7/3/16.

Her insurance (Medicaid) is rejecting the second admission consult (99222) stating that procedure code billed is not correct/valid for services billed or the date of service billed. The paperwork indicating consults for those DOS as well as all hospital records has been sent and we still have a denial. My question is, is there a "time frame" so to speak from the initial cons (7/2/16) to the second consult (repeat admission) (7/3/16) that would possible be the reason for the second rejection?
My understanding is that the initial visit code is by admission. Having said that, payers and state programs have different rules about the handling of a readmission to the same facility for the same problem within a certain time frame and in they may have determined that this readmission was a continuation of the previous stay - that might be what you're running into here, but you'd need to check with you payer. If so, you could either recode it as a subsequent visit or appeal with an explanation of why you feel it's correct as is.