Wiki Consultation question


The Villages, FL
Best answers
I want to make sure that when I am billing out consultations that I am correct..

if the doctor does not state "at the request of Dr. ..... in either his office visit or letter, it can or cannot be billed out as a consult. We do have the formal request from the consulting physician.

I just want to be sure that I am doing this correctly.

Thanks in advance for your help!
You have the formal request and that's great but a one liner such as "Dr. Apple asked me for my advice/opinion for Mrs. Jones for her knee pain..." has to be in the dictated consult.
I continuously have to hound my orthopedists about this. It is helpful to also include a simple "Cc: Dr Apple" at the bottom of the dictation. That way, your "three R's" of the consult are documented. :)