Wiki contact prescrition


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I am needing help understanding what is needed to use the codes 92310 and 92314. our facility does eye exams but no contact lens dispensing. we just dispense glasses and do those fittings. My provider says he does sometimes do and eye exam for patients already in a contact and renews the prescription but the fitting portion is done using patients own contact that they already have, he just does the measurement off of the exam and already in place rx. Would I be using either of the above codes?:confused:
No. Those codes are for the actual fitting and measurements. If he is just transferring the info that is already in place that would not count.
My doctor bills a 92310 for every contact lens patient at their annual exam. Since the contact lens is a medical device, she has to re-prescribe it each year, and that includes evaluating the fit, rx, and parameters of the lens. She takes their K's (keratometry measurements) at each visit, and refracts them.

I would imagine that your doctor is also evaluating the lens even if it is the patient's own lens and should be able to charge for the 92310.
Contact lenses are a medical device. The evaluation of a current contact lens fit and the renewal of the prescription with a new expiration date is over and above the services normally included in a routine vision evaluation and should be billed and charged for separately. 92310 can be used for most contact lens patients.