Wiki COPA - cardiology


Harrison, WI
Best answers

I have read that COPA is supposed to be determined and stated by the provider. However, that is much easier said than done. With that in mind, has anybody found any good resource or reference for determining complexity level for heart failure patients? Is that a chronic problem that places danger/risk to life or bodily function without necessarily having the provider send the patient urgently to the hospital for admission? Is it reasonable to consider high COPA for the patient who presents with an increase in shortness of breath (or other related symptom) and have labs/MUGA/EKG ordered with a plan to follow up as soon as the testing is complete to manage the patient? It is very common for the labs/testing to be resulted and numerous phone calls made to check on their status at home and adjust medications, etc., following that office visit. Often these patients would be a level 5 if I were comfortable placing the COPA to high but I'm struggling to find articles or guidance regarding this. Is anyone using the EF or NYHA/ACC/AHA scale in any way to classify COPA for the HF?

Any advice or thoughts about this is appreciated!
