Wiki Copays on office Procedures

Coatesville, PA
Best answers
I work in GI and we do hemi-banding, flex sigmoidoscopy, and capsule endoscopy in the office. We were taking copays on these procedures up until about a month ago and then our A/R stated not to. Since this is not considered surgery but an office procedure. Is it appropriate to accept a copay.
It is my understanding that co-payments are only collected on E/M services. However, if a patient is responsible for co-insurance, THAT would be applied to patient responsibility for any procedures. Does that make sense?

This is only my understanding based on my own experience.

You might want to double check other responses.
I would not collect the CoPay for the procedure - once the RA (EOB) is received from the Insurance Co., if anything is remaining which is patient responsibility it should tell you and then you can bill them for that.