Wiki Corns/callus


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I really need some guidance....I realize nailcare and callus debridement are included with each other for Medicare....however....we have many Medicare patients who have a secondary commercial ins. So I bill both 11721 & 11056 to Medicare hoping the secondary payor will cover the charges. If the secondary denys coverage....can I bill the patient for something that should have never "really" been submitted to Medicare?

Both payors denied and put charges as patient responsibility. It does not seem accurate that I send my patient a big fat bill when both charges should not have been submitted together normally for Medicare.

Should I bother billing both ever?

I am really not confident in this process.
There is a modifier to append which indicates you are submitting a known non-covered service simply for the denial so it can go to secondary insurance-are you using it?
yes we do use the issue is the 2ndary is also denying it as patient responsibility...instead of denying for bundling, I could write off a bundling, I cannot write of the patient respons. They actually both denied as patient responsibility.

We dont even put a 59 on the claim to "try" and un bundle...doesnt that seem weird? according to ncci they ARE bundled. This happens everytime I bill these two together.

When I bill major surgery and they deny for bundling they dont put that to the patient responsibility.
yes we do use the issue is the 2ndary is also denying it as patient responsibility...instead of denying for bundling, I could write off a bundling, I cannot write of the patient respons. They actually both denied as patient responsibility.

We dont even put a 59 on the claim to "try" and un bundle...doesnt that seem weird? according to ncci they ARE bundled. This happens everytime I bill these two together.

When I bill major surgery and they deny for bundling they dont put that to the patient responsibility.

We always bill them as "unbundled" using the 59 modifier and the appropriate Q code and we don't have issues with Medicare because of it. But if we leave off either it is almost always denied.