Wiki Correct Finger Numbers

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Some of our ER physicians just refer to the fingers as 2nd, 3rd finger or digits 2 and 3 etc. instead of middle, ring etc. Am I correct that the 1st finger is the index finger and then so on?
I have seen them numbered 1-5 with 1 being the thumb and five the pinky on each side. I believe this is the correct "medical" way.
Don't confuse with the modifiers which I always have to double check myself! When I was learning I printed the modifier list with actual finger numbers and added thumb, ring, etc. just for extra help.
View attachment 5751
  • F1: Left Hand, Second Digit
  • F2: Left Hand, Third Digit
  • F3: Left Hand, Fourth Digit
  • F4: Left Hand, Fifth Digit
  • F5: Right Hand, Thumb
  • F6: Right Hand, Second Digit
  • F7: Right Hand, Third Digit
  • F8: Right Hand, Fourth Digit
  • F9: Right Hand, Fifth Digit
  • FA: Left Hand, Thumb
I have seen them numbered 1-5 with 1 being the thumb and five the pinky on each side. I believe this is the correct "medical" way.
Don't confuse with the modifiers which I always have to double check myself! When I was learning I printed the modifier list with actual finger numbers and added thumb, ring, etc. just for extra help.
View attachment 5751
  • F1: Left Hand, Second Digit
  • F2: Left Hand, Third Digit
  • F3: Left Hand, Fourth Digit
  • F4: Left Hand, Fifth Digit
  • F5: Right Hand, Thumb
  • F6: Right Hand, Second Digit
  • F7: Right Hand, Third Digit
  • F8: Right Hand, Fourth Digit
  • F9: Right Hand, Fifth Digit
  • FA: Left Hand, Thumb
Yes, I am still confused, LOL
Yes, I am still confused, LOL
Here are examples. If the provider states fracture PIP right fifth they are talking about the right pinky. The modifier is F9: Right Hand, Fifth Digit
Sprain digit three left hand is modifier F2 Left Hand, Third Digit a.k.a. middle finger.

Another thing that I have done for newer coders is print out drawings of both hands and label the name, number and the modifier on each finger. That helps with the visual.

  • F1: Left Hand, Second Digit (pointer) digit two
  • F2: Left Hand, Third Digit (middle) digit three
  • F3: Left Hand, Fourth Digit (ring) digit four
  • F4: Left Hand, Fifth Digit (pinky) digit five
  • F5: Right Hand, Thumb digit one
  • F6: Right Hand, Second Digit (pointer) digit two
  • F7: Right Hand, Third Digit (middle) digit three
  • F8: Right Hand, Fourth Digit (ring) digit four
  • F9: Right Hand, Fifth Digit (pinky) digit five
  • FA: Left Hand, Thumb digit one