Wiki Cosurgeon for appy 44970


Escondido, CA
Best answers
Does anyone else think that it's odd that a cosurgeon is allowed for an appy per Payment Policy Indicator 2?

I have a pretty good understanding of anatomy (not sure that's what even comes in to factor).

Any explanation?
Sorry, misread your question. I'm not sure how the indicators are decided, but since the cosurgeon requirement is for multiple specialties I would think that it would apply for special cases where another part of the anatomy was involved that would require another physicians. Perhaps, for example, an adhesion or fistula involving the bladder or uterus that would require a urologist or gynecologist to participate? Just a thought.

I'm referring to a cosurgeon, not an assistant. It's not a very complex procedure and it allows for a cosurgeon without any additional documentation whereas, for example, a hepaticectomy allows for a cosurgeon however additional documentation is requred to substantiate medical necessity.