Wiki CPC Exam and 2012 CPT Coding Manual


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Hi all, I recently took my CPC exam and unfortunately I failed with a 66% using a 2011 CPT coding manual. Question I have is I noticed there was for sure 1 question on there that needed a 2012 coding manual maybe 2 but for the other questions the description for the code matched up what I needed but I still failed and for the 30000, 50000, and 60000 code range I missed 4 on each of those, and while I'm not sure of the description 100 percent on the 30000 I knew the description matched up for the 50000 and 60000 code ranges. I know there were codes added and deleted between 2011 and 2012 but does the description on the codes change as well and did the ama change that much? I hate to think that I failed because the codes changed that much so any help on this would definately be appreciative


Joshua Evans
CPC Exam

Hi all, after doing some research and comparing new 2012 cpt codes to see what changed by using the 2011 cpt manual I now know what I did wrong. There was a lot of changes that I noticed was different, between the 2012 codes and the 2011 codes.