Wiki CPC exam

Congratulations - that is no small achievement. I will be taking the test on 9/8 in Massachusetts. Any words of wisdom? I don't see how I can possibly answer these questions in 2 minutes!
Congratulations!!! As for all the others who are taking their tests soon.....The AAPC practice exams are VERY helpful...they are timed so you can measure how much time you would need to complete at least 50 questions, and so on!!! Well worth the money. Good luck on your exams...
I agree...the online exams were well worth the $$ I spent. I was worried about the time constraint because I like read and re-read all the questions then tripple check my answers. Not the best practice when you are timed. I actually did not have time to finish all the questions. I left 1 whole section blank and a few others I wanted to come back to later. With 5 minutes left, the were all still left blank. SO-I used my old high School strategy and just filled in the bubbles of the ones that were blank. Better to fill them in and have a 1 in 4 chance it is right than leave it blank and get it totally wrong. So, obviously with the extra time spent one the ones I did finish, it was enough to cover the ones that I "bubbled in".

now the waiting game begins!!!
Good luck to you!

I will say not to stress too much about it. I know it is easier said than done. I was extremely nervous. If you just take your time and be thorough, you will have a better chance of passing. As I said earlier in my post, I did not fully complete the test. But I had taken my time and was confident with the questions I did answer. That help to make up for the ones that I did miss.

Plus, you are now familiar with the layout of the exam. Hopefully that will work in your favor! Good luck!!
Congratulations. I'm going to try on the 8th in Massachusetts also. I was wondering, are you allowed to jot down notes anywhere while taking the test? I think I saw somewhere that you can't have scrap paper.
You are able to write notes down in your test packet or in your books. The test packets are sealed when you are done with the exam anyway. You are not allowed to bring scrap paper. Our proctors went through our books looking for additional paper. If found, it will be tossed.
Being able to write in the test books were a huge help to me. I would cross out answers as I ruled them or jotted down information as I looked it up in the books so I wouldn't have to look it up again if it was part of another answer. I also did math in the margins. There is plenty of room to write so you really don't need scrap paper anyway. Good luck to all those about to take the test!