Wiki CPT 36011/36012

Woodbridge, VA
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Not sure if anyone can assist on this question, or if I am posting to the correct thread. I have queries on CPT's 36011/36012 & 36215/36216. If applicable in the following procedure note. I know that CPT 36012 is bundled within CPTs 36905/36907. I also know that it is applicable at times. I work at a vascular clinic, first time ever, and would like to resolve repetitive questions. When these codes are marked off as being performed, when are they applicable? Please review the following note:
1. End stage renal disease - N18.6 (Primary)
2. Dependence on renal dialysis - Z99.2
1. Dependence on renal dialysis
Notes: declot today.

1. US guided access
2. AV Graft angiogram
3. Thrombolysis with TPA
4. mechanical thrombectomy with balloon maceration
5. aspiration thrombectomy
6. Angioplasty of AV graft: 6mm at the AV anastomosis, 8mm intra graft and in the venous outflow stents
7. Selective Catheterization of native vein: left subclavian vein, left innominate vein, Superior vena cava
8. Angioplasty of native veins: 12 mm in superior vena cava, left innominate vein, left subclavian vein at the clavicle
9. Selective Catheterization of native artery: left subclavian, axillary, brachial with angiograms of all the above and the left arm
10. 6mm Angioplasty of native artery: brachial artery in mid upper arm

-FINDINGS: left subclavian artery and left axillary artery are widely patent, > 50% stenosis in upper arm brachial artery, > 50% stenosis in anastomosis, mid graft, venous outflow stents, left subclavian and left innominate and open at SCV. all responded well to angioplasty, though central stenosis was most elastic. TDC needs to be removed.
-PROCEDURE: After informed consent was obtained, under sterile conditions the left upper arm graft was accessed in opposing locations and 6 French sheath arterial and 7 Fr venous sheaths were established. Fresh thrombus was aspirated from the graft using the sheaths. Next, 2 mg TPA was infused into the graft to promote thrombolysis of any residual thrombus. 5000 units of heparin were infused I.V. A selective catheter was maneuvered to the rt atrium, superior vena cava, left innominate, left subclavian central veins and pull back initial venography revealed the findings above. An 8 mm PTA was performed in the graft, the venous anastomosis stents, brachial vein, axillary vein. The Superior vena cava, left innominate, and left subclavian vein was dilated to 12 mm. From the arterially directed sheath, a wire directed selective catheter was used to cross the arterial anastomosis and the feeding subclavian artery selectively catheterized (necessary for full inflow visualization since the patient has had multiple declot recently and avoidance of arterial emboli which can occur with reflux angiography). Inflow arteriography revealed a patent subclavian and axillary artery but a >50% stenosis of the brachial artery about 3 cm above the arterial anastomosis as well as occlusive intra-graft thrombus at the lower graft. The platelet plug was removed utilizing a 5 French Fogarty balloon and flow re-established. A 6 mm PTA was performed at the brachial artery stenosis and then at the anastomosis. Follow-up angiography demonstrated wide patency of the arterial inflow, graft, and venous outflow with no evidence of arterial emboli. Hemostasis was obtained without difficulty.