Wiki cpt code 97016


Panama City, FL
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If a doctor does the cupping, CPT code 97016 on both legs in the same visit can he bill units or is it considered just 1 unit? Thanks for any input.
That actually isn't the right code for cupping, this is from the AMA as of 2005: "Code 97016, Application of a modality to one or more areas; vasopneumatic devices, captures devices that provide and external pumping force to the soft tissues of the lower or upper extremities. A sleeve containing separate chambers is applied to the extremity and can be progressively inflated, thereby providing a pumping action required to facilitate removal of edema. The Jobst pump is one example of a vasopneumatic device. It would not be appropriate to report code 97016 for vibromassage therapy". This also would not describe cupping. For an example of a vasopneumatic device, look at the Game Ready system. Cupping itself doesn't actually have a code assigned, you would need to use the unlisted modality code, 97039.