Wiki CPT code for exploration of retroperitoneal area.


Stewartstown, Pennsylvania
Best answers
I am looking for a CPT code for the exploration of the retroperitoneal area for an outpatient service. CPT code 49010 is pretty much word for word what was done but I have been informed it is an inpatient only code. Any ideas would be helpful thanks..
There's no way to recommend codes without seeing an operative report, but if you've already reviewed the report and that's the CPT code that best reports the procedure, then that's what you'd have to use. There aren't alternate codes available to let you bypass the inpatient only rules.
I'm certainly not a clinician, but it seems unlikely to me they would perform an abdominal incision and do an exploration as outpatient. For us, anytime there is a laparotomy, that patient is admitted. Only laparoscopic abdominal cases are outpatient.
It also makes a difference whether you are coding facility or provider regarding your options.