Wiki CPT for repacking/dressing change


St Augustine, FL
Best answers
Does anyone have a solid answer on how to bill/not bill for a pt being seen for dressing change and repacking? A prior post on this site referred to 99211 example in appendix C, but that example states: "Office visit for an established patient for dressing change on a skin biopsy" (top of pg 547 in my 2010 CPT book, appendix C).

Reading the Surgery Guidelines for "Follow Up Care for Diagnostic Procedures"" and "Follow up Care for Therapeutic Surgical Procedures" both lead me to believe follow up wound care would be included. The original procedure was 10060 - I&D of abscess. Pt returned for dressing/wound care. No "debridement" mentioned in notes.

Thanks for any help!
Hunter Smith, CPC
Global period?

If you are still within the 10-day global period, this is included.

If you are beyond the global period, you would code the appropriate level E/M based on documentation.

By the way ... you mention "repacking." If the wound was original packed with gauze when the I&D was done it should have been coded as 10061 - I&D complicated. The additional RVUs for this procedure take into account the additional postoperative work required for dressing change.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Last edited:
Dressing change

Hi to all, what if the procedure was done by a Nurse practicioner? Can I still bill it or does the MD had to have done it? Please help.
Hi to all, what if the procedure was done by a Nurse practicioner? Can I still bill it or does the MD had to have done it? Please help.

If it's within your NP's scope of practice within your state, they can perform this procedure.

"State law or regulation governing an NP's scope of practice in the State in which the services are performed applies. Consider developing a list of covered services based on the State scope of practice. Examples of the types of services that NP's may furnish include services that traditionally have been reserved to physicians, such as physical examinations, minor surgery, setting casts for simple fractures, interpreting x-rays, and other activities that involve an independent evaluation or treatment of the patient's condition."

Page 143 (Section 200)