Wiki CR vs DR radiology cms reduction


Brookfield, CT
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Does anyone know, now that Medicare is reducing payments for CR vs. DR radiology, do we need to attach a modifier or something to our radiology codes to notify CMS of what x-ray equipment we have? similar to the FX modifier for plain film?
I cannot find any info on this, and am wondering how would Medicare know what equipment we even have?
Same Question

Did you every find out for sure about if physician offices must append modifiers to the xrays when billing? The document from Medicare is confusing to me and I'm not sure if all physician offices should be reporting as well.
I'm not an expert when it comes to radiology coding. However, I did find this on the Medicare Claims Processing Manual (pg 8). Not sure if this answers your question but hopefully it helps.

20.2.6 - Special Rule to Incentivize Transition from X-rays taken using Computed Radiography to Digital Radiography (Rev. 3820, Issued: 11-21-17, Effective: 01-01-18, Implementation; 01-02-18)

1848 (b)(9) of the Social Security Act provides that payments for imaging services that are X-rays taken using computed radiography (including the X-ray component of a packaged service) furnished during CY 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022, that would otherwise be made under the PFS (without application of subparagraph (B)(i) and before application of any other adjustment), be reduced by 7 percent, and similarly, if such Xray services are furnished during CY 2023 or a subsequent year, by 10 percent.

Computed radiography technology is defined for purposes of this paragraph as cassette based imaging which utilizes an imaging plate to create the image involved.

Modifier FY was created to implement this provision. Beginning January 1, 2018, claims for computed radiography must include modifier FY, which will result in the applicable payment reduction.