Bladder was being removed due to 2 areas of bladder perforation. The surgeon states it was a simple cystectomy with ileal conduit. During the procedure the physician notes that the prostate was severely adherent to the surrounding tissue, so the prostate and the bladder were both removed. Do we also code for the prostatectomy then? 51570 and 55840? Thanks!
"Dissection was then carried over the prostate to the apex of the prostate where the prostate was noted to be severely adherent to the surrounding tissue. Using a combination of sharp dissection and LigaSure, the dosal venous complex was divided and the urethra was divided at the apex of the prostate. The pedicles to the prostate and bladder were taken down. The bladder and prostate was then dissected free and removed. The dissection of the prostate did leave the seminal vesicles in place. As this was not a surgery for cancer, there was no need to remove them. Prostate and seminal vesicles were adhered to the surrounding tissue and could not be removed safely. As this wasn't an oncologic procedure, and prostate and seminal vesicles were not required to be removed."
"Dissection was then carried over the prostate to the apex of the prostate where the prostate was noted to be severely adherent to the surrounding tissue. Using a combination of sharp dissection and LigaSure, the dosal venous complex was divided and the urethra was divided at the apex of the prostate. The pedicles to the prostate and bladder were taken down. The bladder and prostate was then dissected free and removed. The dissection of the prostate did leave the seminal vesicles in place. As this was not a surgery for cancer, there was no need to remove them. Prostate and seminal vesicles were adhered to the surrounding tissue and could not be removed safely. As this wasn't an oncologic procedure, and prostate and seminal vesicles were not required to be removed."