Wiki debridement cpt code in ER


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patient came to the ER with a skin tear to the left forearm which in 4 cm x 5 cm. The area was anesthetized with emla cream cleaned then debrided of devitalized tissue wth scissors. what cpt code would you use for debridement? Please help.
If debridement involves skin only (epidermis and/or dermis) use the Active Wound Care Management code, 97597, which meets your 20 sq cm area.
Hey Mojo,
I just had a patient that came to the ER with what he thought was cellulitis. It ended up just being some scabs that were debrided and drained of a little pus. It states he debrided down to the subcu, where everything underneath looked fine. Then he states that this was an I&D, and I do not agree. what do you think? Also, do have any more info about the 97597 code you mentioned in the prvious post? I have not been using that for my ER's. No one here at my new job has said anything about being able to use it here, so I am a little hesitant, you know? Any additional links or info would be great, if you have them.
Thanks again Joni!!
Code 11042 has a note that states For debridement of skin (ie, epidermis and/or dermis only) see 97597, 97598. The physician needs to state the layers that were involved.
Hey Mojo,
I just had a patient that came to the ER with what he thought was cellulitis. It ended up just being some scabs that were debrided and drained of a little pus. It states he debrided down to the subcu, where everything underneath looked fine. Then he states that this was an I&D, and I do not agree. what do you think? Also, do have any more info about the 97597 code you mentioned in the prvious post? I have not been using that for my ER's. No one here at my new job has said anything about being able to use it here, so I am a little hesitant, you know? Any additional links or info would be great, if you have them.
Thanks again Joni!!

It sounds like the provider unroofed a pus pocket. If he used a blade or large bore needle to cut, slice, incise or unroof, I agree with him.

There is an article in the February 2011 Coding Edge on the debridement codes for 2011. It notes the deletion of 11040 and 11041. As a result, active wound care codes 97597 and 97598 were revised to include skin debridement.