Wiki Debridement of necrotic tissue for Fournier Gangrene.

Largo, FL
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I need advice on coding for a surgery for Fournier Gangrene. Per dr. note dr. debridement of necrotic tissue deep skin, muscle and fascia for Fournier Gangrene on scrotum, perineum and penis constituted of at least 240 sq.
Should I code CPT 11043 and 11046 with 11 units or more appropriate would-be CPT 11004.
Thank you!
Hello if note states muscle/fascia you would code the 11043 11046. Always code debridement to the deeper layer that was debrided:)
I would suggest 11004 since it includes muscle/fascia debridement and is the most accurate code for your case and specifically Fournier Gangrene. 11004: Debridement of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and fascia for necrotizing soft tissue infection; external genitalia and perineum