Wiki depo


Arnold, MO
Best answers
I am fairly new to Family planning and notice our depo provera injections, if they are paid, the reimbursement is only cents. I am billing per ML, but see several notes on billing per unit. Will this make the difference in our reimbursement? Is everyone charging the administration cpy 96372, because that sometimes is NOT covered as well! Thanks!
Hi CC,

The reimbursement rate was so small on Depo our office stopped administering several years ago. However, we've never had issues with CPT 96372. We may have not gotten paid by insurance, but the allowed amount was around $26 as of last year, to which we would bill the patient.

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:) I have heard that, it isn't good since we are a family planning organization and do several depo's. Thanks for your response!
You're certainly welcome. I'd start tracking the units you do each month and the net revenue to determine how much $$$ the office is actually bringing in.
Depo Provera HCPCS codes have changed several times over the last 5 years. What insurance are you billing (private, government, etc) and what HCPCS code/units are you using?