Wiki Depositions


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Hi Everyone!

Please help if you can

One of our providers is always being called for Depositions. Is there a way to turn down some of these requests without worrying about a subpoena? Some of the patients that these depositions are on, are patients he's only treated 2-3 times, 3 years ago. He's a CPMR if that makes any difference. He is more then happy to follow up on depositions for current patients or even patients he has treated for a while. But is there anything we can do in relation to patients he's only treated a couple of times a few years ago?

Please help.

Thank you!!
You probably should increase your estimates/retainer fee to cover the deposition time, review of medical records, attorney conference(s). Since he is taking away from clinic time (how many patients or procedures per hour?) to do the depo work, you should be compensated accordingly. Good luck.