Wiki Depression screening help


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I am sorry if these are dumb questions.

1. Can I bill a depression screening if patient is already being treated for depression?

2. If patient is in for a office visit for chronic problems and the doctor does a depression screening and it is positive....can I use the new treatment for the depression to bill a higher E & M or is this bundled into the screening? Do I still bill the depression screening in this circumstance or just the E & M?

3. With that said directly above... if the pt already has depression and is already being treated and at a follow up appt for other chronic problems the doctor does a depression screening and decides to change or increase pts depression I just bill the E & M?

I hope this makes sense. I may be overthinking this. I have searched like crazy on the internet and all the CMS manuals but I just don't seem to see the answer. Thank you for your help.