Wiki Diabetes w/complication question

Aloha, Oregon
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Can anyone tell me where we can find documentation to support if a patient that has had diabetes complications (example 250.50) can then go back to non complicated (250.00)? We are not agreeing on the issue of: if once diagnosed with a complication you ALWAYS have it or if you can go back and forth. Also, if you have a complication and it is not active during a particular visit, is it then a history of.....thank you.

As far as the fourth digit for complications, some are acute such as ketoacidosis, or coma, or gangrene and some are chronic, such as retinopathy, etc. The acute complications could be there one day and not the next, so yes they can have a complication and then not. As far as the fifth digit, this is for uncontrolled vs not stated as uncontrolled which is completely different than having complications and yes this could change from time to time also. A patient could have 250.12 on one visit (diabetes with ketoacidosis uncontrolled) and then on a future visit be back to 250.00 diabetes no complication not stated as uncontrolled.