Wiki Dictatin for 76642


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Are the dividing clock positions for the breast considered part of the quadrants? Or are they only dividers?

I have a report for 76642 (US of the Breast, Limited) where, per CPT descriptor explanation, the examination must include “one or more, but not all of the elements listed in code 76641” (4 quadrants of the breast, retroareolar region).
The physician dictates, “There is a 5mm round mass with an indistinct margin in the right breast at 9 o’clock posterior depth.”
I want to know if this statement of a finding only at the 9 o’clock position is included into one of the quadrants or, if as suggested by ICD-10 codes, it is only a divider for the quadrants (overlapping site) and not included into any of the quadrants themselves.
