Wiki difference between 76 and 91 modifiers


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Hi All,

Can we use modifier 76 if a pathology laboratory service is repeated? can anybody explain me the difference between 76 and 91 modifiers.

Any help is greatly apreciated.

Prem, B.Pharm;CPC
it is my understanding that mod -91 is/should be used for repeat lab/path testing....since sometimes it is necessary to repeat the same lab test on the same day to obtain multiple/additional test results. but also, you can NOT use this modifier to rerun or confirm initial results or if there were testing problems.

for mod -76 this is typically used for a repeat pricedure/service by the same physician(non-lab related)

these are both summarized/explained in appendix A of the CPT manual....:D

in your case, you should be appending modifier -91 instead of -76 since it is a lab/path repeat